Friday, February 12, 2010

Tatoo Ideas Marine Cancer Survivor I Have Two Ideas For A Tatoo And I Wanted To Hear Your Guys Opinion?

I have two ideas for a tatoo and I wanted to hear your guys opinion? - tatoo ideas marine cancer survivor

Both my grandparents were survivors of the Holocaust, and he wanted to do something to honor them. Hitler had a number tattooed on his wrist and my grandmother still has her tattoo. I wondered whether I have the same tattoo as he had at the same point in his honor, is a bit strange that girls and why this man has a tag number on his arm. I wonder, because it means a lot for me, I thank you for your opinion.


Kasha said...

If you have a story behind it, then go ahead. atleast we have people ask what it is. I find it interesting and when I saw him, why the identification numbers of miracles. is better than with a tattoo you have seen other or no meaning behind it

papersky... said...

I think it's an interesting idea.
I can not decide whether I think it is a positive or negative time.
Although I love that you remember them and what happened ... I try to put in the shoes of my grandmother, consider what he thinks. Was it disappointing that you had a tattoo that terrible memory (constantly) about yourself? She never returned to their offspring or scarring the face of what they had to fight?
I do not know ... I'm going.
Maybe you can come to a different symbol. I think it is great if you want to remember it by so little, but I am sure that this particular image. Could get with a local tattoo artist, a new design?

Elly said...

I think it's great that you want to honor his grandmother, but I would say that it is better not this tattoo. At least you should be with your grandmother about it, because I'm not sure how he felt about this or if it is a good way to honor her.
It is important that people on Yahoo Answers or you think girls find it strange, but more importantly, how his grandmother feels about this, and I think it would be terrible for them.

Moonslas... said...

I do not think you should do, b / c it is his personal experience, by the Hitler regime. I mean, I cried out as ab / c it was a sad moment b / c he thought had been lost. I think we should have a tattoo that is not likely to say .... My grandparents are heroes who survived the Holocaust. I mean something that they could make you happy

theCATAL... said...

I think it's an excellent idea. Because of its origins, I would try to hide a little. Do this not a good thing for the survivors and their families believe, in honor of the fact that if this is indicated on this form.

Try to turn the numbers in a barcode. In this way, you have the numbers came to honor, and you have made an interesting question for discussion.

JACKIE said...

I do not think you should be as simple because the number is a terrible thing for them, and for many Jews, do such a thing as getting something to that effect survival.

Kiki said...

The girls find it strange. Tattoos mean ideals terrible --- mad Hitler. In my opinion, there must be a better way to honor her grandmother. I do not always use the idea of tattoos. If I were you, I ask your grandmother, as she is honest about this. If you have a tattoo then you have the name of the grandmother, tattooed on his arm. You can also use your birth date or a little pink.

Sonike said...

I'd say go for it. It does not matter what others think of him is that you have a family.

Kori L said...

Do not think the G-parents like that you have a tattoo of something that these terrible events do. When the G-Inspire them more than their name or something that is more representative of them tattooed on themselves.

Carrie H said...

No, it makes sense to me that you meet with the grandparents in this way. I think it's a wonderful idea!

ABC said...

Care, dont matter and those who care in this matter. :]

But I like the way you are a man ready to do something to someone execption honor of a group and everything.

About male.

"You] go.

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