Saturday, January 2, 2010

Brain Stroke Symptoms What Are The Symptoms Or Signs Or Stroke / Brain Tumour In Yorkshire Terriers?

What are the symptoms or signs or stroke / brain tumour in Yorkshire terriers? - brain stroke symptoms

Without more information we can only give an incomplete picture. Only a licensed veterinarian can make a formal diagnosis.

A stroke or injruy / May tumor with vomiting, irregular movement (walking), convulsions, paralysis, excessive salivation, unequal pupils, difficulty walking, tremors, vocal, loss of consciousness, incontinence. The problem is that many of these symptoms can also older, inner ear infections, liver disease, diabtetes, etc.

Even if the above are possible symptoms of a dog, a stroke or a tumor that does not mean that they actually book. If your dog has any of the above symptoms, or not working properly in your opinion, please take immediate supply of medicines your vet.

Good luck

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