Sunday, January 17, 2010

Educational Laptop The Best Laptop For Educational Purposes London School Of Economics?

The best laptop for educational purposes london school of economics? - educational laptop

You will soon be a member of the London School of Economics (LSE).

I wanted to know what is the best laptop for me ONLY FOR EDUCATION.

----- My course is insurance mathematics.

I have a MacBook, but I want something else.

any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

1 comment:

sricardo... said...

Specialists PC, you can only the components they need for graphics cards, you get a powerful machine with no money and to choose large screens. You can also use XP.

Go for XP Pro, 2-3GB Ram A 2-2.5 GHz Bluetooth and get the transponder so that they connect on your phone, so I honestly do not get Vista.

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